Sunday, 9 January 2011


Angelina Jolie Voight

Angelina Jolie Voight


Zero Karmic Accumulation

The Karmic Accumulation number is found by taking all the missing numbers in the name and then adding them together. What does it mean when no numbers are missing in the name at birth? Just because there are no numbers missing in Anjolina Joli's name does not mean there is no karma at all for Anjelina Jolie to deal with in this life. Yes, karma exists!

None of us would likely have chosen to incarnate presently if there was not some karmic imbalance in our evolution. As a general rule, a name with no missing number suggests a dharmic lifetime rather than one which is heavily karmic.

What is a dharmic lifetime? This means roughly that rather than having to spend so much time straightening out past imbalance, the individual will be able to concentrate more upon the furtherance of evolution and soul growth by opening new avenues of unfoldment and work; so zero is a karmic plus for the THINKING person.

This is a plateau period of one's evolution; Angeline Jolie has to consciously make a choice as to how Angelena Jolie wishes to progress in consciousness. This is not as easy as it appears, because there is little push from within, and fewer specific needs to fulfill. Angie Jolie does  not have the missing numbers to provide a focus or impetus for specific action. Unknowingly, one can begin to drift and lose control of destiny. If no effect is directed purposefully to Angelina Jolei's growth, then in subsequent lifetimes new missing numbers could occur and your wheel of karma would spin along through new cycles. With this combination, gelina jolie has the chance to decide and accomplish what AngelinaJolie feels from the soul to be most significant for unfoldment action. Use it fruitfully.
If there are no other areas of imbalance indicated in your chart, Jolie Angelina may have in this life a unique opportunity to balance all patterns and experiences contained in the symbolism of the numbers. As a soul approaches cosmic consciousness, the need to incarnate will be completed. Much depends on Angelina Jolie's ability to master the traits of each number.

This is a life pattern where personality shortcomings must truly be brought into conscious focus and harmonized. Angelina Jolie has a tremendous depth of awareness and take life events with a purposeful responsibility. A distinct sort of detachment and impersonal feelings pervades your attitude toward life; it is literally as if Angelina Jolie has been through it all before and has begun to tire of earthly routine. It is difficult for Angelina Jolie to sustain a prolonged interest or enthusiasm for mundane activities because the soul cries out to be free of this dimension, to move along in its destiny. All of a sudden, the sobering thought may overwhelm Angelina Jolie - what a task it is to finish up the demands of this earthly plane.

Angelina Jolie can be suspicious, critical, and moody. These qualities must now be transmitted into ones of optimism, hope and a trusting faith in higher guidance. Angelina Jolie's logical procedure is to generalize by bringing the overview of wholeness down to each small part. When an adversary starts to pick at the details of your structure, Angelina Jolie become's uneasy and at times defenseless. Because of your expansive outlook and understanding of so many viewpoints toward life, it is easy for you to switch views or to succumb to another’s viewpoint for the sake of harmony even though you still disagree. Let this ambiguity work for you.

Motivation is an ingredient that often haunts Angelina Jolie for there seem to be so many things you could do; yet, it is hard to decide. Be careful that your desire for release from this plane does not lead you into escapist behavior.

If you have not discovered your heart’s desire, the deeper teachings of metaphysical and related studies will be of great guidance and comfort. Learn to give thanks for all that comes to you and visualize the perfection in Angelina Jolie, others, and each situation that arises in Angelina Jolie's life. Angelina Jolie is closer than ever to the possibility of attaining that perfect goal.

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